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Study: Illegal Child Labor in the United States
Sponsored by The Associated Press

TABLE A-2: Estimates of Legal and Illegal Child Labor from National
Longitudinal Surveys and 1980's Current Population Surveys

|                                       | Sample | Percent engaging in:                                         |
|                                       | size   | Any paid  >18 hours in  >40 hours in  Hazardous  Any illegal |
|                                       |        |   work     school week   summer week  occupation    labor    |
|                                   Age |  (1)   |   (2)          (3)           (4)         (5)         (6)     |
|                                       |        |                                                              |
| CPS, March, 1981-88                   |        |                                                              |
|     School year                   14  | 20,950 |   9.9%         0.6%                     0.1%         0.7%    |
|                                   15  | 21,321 |  13.2%         1.4%                     0.3%         1.6%    |
|                                   16  | 21,630 |  23.9%                                  0.3%         0.3%    |
|                                   17  | 21,975 |  36.5%                                  0.9%         0.9%    |
|                                       |        |                                                              |
| NLS-Youth, 1979                       |        |                                                              |
|     School year                   14  |    944 |  19.7%         1.9%                     0.8%         2.7%    |
|                                   15  |  1,537 |  27.5%         5.2%                     1.8%         6.5%    |
|                                   16  |  1,537 |  26.2%                                  1.7%         1.7%    |
|                                   17  |  1,470 |  26.6%                                  1.2%         1.2%    |
|                                       |        |                                                              |
| NLS-Adolescent Health, 1994-95        |        |                                                              |
|      School year                  12  |    466 |  30.6%         0.8%                                          |
|                                   13  |    690 |  36.9%         4.0%                                          |
|                                   14  |    859 |  35.4%         3.8%                                          |
|                                   15  |    867 |  44.2%        12.2%                                          |
|                                       |        |                                                              |
|      Summer                       12  |    466 |  49.6%                       1.0%                            |
|                                   13  |    690 |  56.7%                       2.9%                            |
|                                   14  |    859 |  55.6%                       5.0%                            |
|                                   15  |    867 |  62.0%                       3.9%                            |

Note:  The CPS and NLS-Y employment figures refer to work in the prior week.  The NLS-AD school year employment
       figures denote any paid work outside the home in the prior four weeks where typical hours exceed zero,
       and the summer employment figures denote any paid work in a typical summer week.


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